5 Desk Stretches for the Office Worker

There are many terms that can be linked to a worker that spends hours upon hours in front of a
computer screen….The Sitting Disease, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Desk Job Syndrome, Irritable
“Desk” Disease and as I like to call it (for all you Simpsons fans out there) “Mr. Burns” Disease.
This is when your head looks like it is going to fall off your shoulders by the end of your day,
In order to diminish you risk of any or all of these disorders, you will benefit from the stretches
listed below:
1. Sitting Toe Touch: while sitting in your chair, slowly start to bend forward over your legs
reaching your hands towards your ankles. Let your head hang down to the floor and
relax your neck muscles. Hold for 5-10 seconds and return to sitting position.
2. Shoulder Shrugs: In sitting, bring your shoulders up towards your ears, pause 5 secs
and let them slowly lower down. Repeat 5 times.
3. One Arm Hug: Take one arm and reach across your body to the opposite shoulder. Grab
the elbow with the opposite hand and gently pull elbow closer to your body. Hold for 5-10
secs, repeat 2 times each side.
4. Hand Holding Wrist Stretch: Reach one arm out straight in front of you, elbow straight
and palm down. Use other hand to grasp your fingers/hand and pull them slowly back
towards your body. Hold for 10-20 secs, repeat 2 times each side.
5. Leg Kicks: While sitting, straighten one knee at a time. Hold for 5-10 secs and repeat 3-4
times each leg.
And the BONUS activity, GET UP FROM SITTING!!! At least once an hour, walk down the hall,
go get water, pick up your computer print outs, wash your hands……just make an excuse to
move away from your desk!!!

I hope this helps – you never know…. a few desk stretches a day may keep the doctor away!